With restrictions by online merchants such as needing a U.S shipping address or U.S. credit card, it can be frustrating to shop. Now, you can shop and we will ship the items back to your home country.
You no longer have to worry about expensive shipping fees when you shop in different shops.
Our delivery services are 60% cheaper than main couriers like Fedex or DHL and 40% cheaper than postal services abroad. Thata��s half the shipping fees saved!
No more delays at the Customs!
We will clear taxes and Customs for you when you use our services. Thata��s a lot of time and hassle saved on your end!
Safe and Secure Packaging
We ensure that our delivery is damage-free by providing secure shrink wrap, fragile seals and an optional insurance for delivery.
We ship to your doorstep
We currently ship to Malaysia, Indonesia, and Singapore..
Let us shop for you!
Sometimes, things that you want to buy may not be available online. Drop us a tab and we will get it for you. The items will be dropped into your My Shopper account.